Thursday 21 August 2008

Recurrence Risk Low For Women Who Survive Breast Cancer Five Years After Treatment, Study Says

�Women wHO survive knocker cancer for at least five age after treatment have an 89% chance that they will non have a recurrence of the cancer after 10 years and an 81% chance after 15 days, according to a study published online Tuesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, USA Today reports.

The study involved 2,838 women diagnosed with breast genus Cancer from 1985 to 2001 who had surgery to remove the original tumour, some of whom had radiation. All of the women besides took medication to forbid the cancer from returning (Szabo, USA Today, 8/13). Cancer returned after five-spot years in 7% of women treated for microscope stage I breast cancer, 11% of women treated for stage II cancer and 13% of women toughened for leg III cancer (Dunham, Reuters, 8/12).

Study author Abenaa Brewster, an assistant prof at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, renowned that the study did not include women world Health Organization relapsed earlier five age. She added that doctors now much prescribe aromatase inhibitors to post-menopausal women when they are diagnosed, which could lead to an even smaller number of relapses after v years (USA Today, 8/13).

~ ABC's "World News" on Tuesday reported on the study. The segment includes comments from ABC News medical editor Timothy Johnson (Gibson, "World News," ABC, 8/12).

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